Αγγελία Απασχόλησης στην Εταιρία Louis Berger

“Employment interested in working abroad in Louis Berger not only students but also for senior engineers”

Louis Berger is an independent private consulting company working in the fields of engineering, economics and development. We have extensively worked on technical assistance projects worldwide, including Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS and Caucasus countries. As examples, the company has been and is currently working on such projects in Romania, Bulgaria, FYRO Macedonia, Croatia, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Moldova, Belarus. In the last decades Louis Berger has worked with over 100 municipalities on various projects covering areas such as transport (roads, railways and bridges), environment (water, wastewater, sewerage and solid waste), regional development (economic and social development) and institutional (training, education, finance and legal).

Contact Details:

Concha Mendez
Recruitment Officer
Louis Berger – Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe
Blvd. N. Titulescu No. 1, Bloc A7, Sc. 3, Et.8, Ap. 84, Sector 1, 011131 Bucharest, Romania.

Telephone: +(40 21) 317 96 39
+(40 21) 318 21 23
Mobile:       +212 657 178 178
Fax:           +(40 21) 318 21 21
e-Fax:        +33 153 010 899

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